
Vishwa Shanti Stupa

Vishwa Shanti Stupa

Venerable Reverend Nichidatsu Fujii, the founding preceptor of Nippozan Myohoji met Gandhiji in 1933 at Wardha and became a life-long admirer. Gandhiji, too, impressed by Rev. Fujii’s infinite clarity of purpose and dedication to peace and spirituality, named him Fujii Guriji.

When Fujii Guruji visited Wardha in 1983, he expressed his wish to build a Vishwa Shanti Stupa in Wardha. He himself selected the site in the Gitai campus. After the demise of Fujii Guruji, Rev. Imaiiji took over as head of Japan Bharat Sarvodaya Mitrata Sangh.

Under the Chairmanship of Shri Ramkrishna Bajaj, Fujii Guruji Memorial Trust was established. The foundation stone was laid in 1989. It was inaugurated by the President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma in 1993. The Stupa stands tall and grand as a symbol of world peace.